Christ’s Church in Lancaster is another part of Christ’s body of believers that make up the temple of the living God (2 Corinthians 6:16) and the Kingdom of His Son. God does not dwell in a temple made with human hands and does not need us to build him something physical at which to worship Him – instead, God sent Jesus to the world to reconcile man to Himself enabling us, His children, to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth at all times (John 4:23). Our lives, every second of them, are living and holy sacrifices to Him, which is our spiritual service (Romans 12:1,2).

The focus of Christ’s church – Christ’s reason for establishing His church – is to equip the saints to seek and save the lost

Assembly Times:

Lord’s Day
9:45AM Bible Class
10:45AM Morning Assembly
7:00PM Evening Assembly
Wednesday Evening
7:00PM Bible Study